LinkedList indexOf() method with example in java
The indexOf(E element) method of LinkedList returns the first occurrence of the specified element in this linked list. Syntax Parameter Read more…
The indexOf(E element) method of LinkedList returns the first occurrence of the specified element in this linked list. Syntax Parameter Read more…
The lastIndexOf(E element) method of LinkedList returns the last occurrence of the specified element in this linked list. Syntax Parameter Read more…
The offer(E element) method of LinkedList appends the specified element at the end of this linked list. It returns true Read more…
The offerFirst(E element) method of LinkedList appends the specified element at the start of this linked list. It returns true Read more…
The offerLast(E element) method of LinkedList appends the specified element at the end of this linked list. It returns true Read more…
The peek() method of LinkedList retrieves but does not remove the first element in this linked list. It returns null Read more…
The peekFirst() method of LinkedList retrieves but does not remove the first element in this linked list. It returns null Read more…
The peekLast() method of LinkedList retrieves but does not remove the last element in this linked list. It returns null Read more…
The poll() method of LinkedList retrieves and removes the first element of this linked list. Syntax Parameters It does not Read more…
The pollFirst() method of LinkedList retrieves and removes the first element of this linked list. It returns null if this Read more…