HashMap isEmpty() Method in Java
The isEmpty() method of HashMap checks if the map contains any key/value pairs. It returns true if the map does Read more…
The isEmpty() method of HashMap checks if the map contains any key/value pairs. It returns true if the map does Read more…
The size() method of HashMap returns the number of key-value entries present in the map. When we create the HashMap Read more…
The remove(K key) method of HashMap removes the entry for the specified key from the map. It returns the value Read more…
The entrySet() method of HashMap returns the set view of the entries in this map. Syntax Set
The clear() method of HashSet removes all the elements from the HashSet. The HashSet becomes empty after the call to Read more…
The isEmpty() method of HashSet checks if the HashSet is empty or not. If the HashSet is empty then it Read more…
The clone() method of HashSet returns a shallow copy of this HashSet instance. It overrides the clone() method of Object. Read more…
The remove(Element e) method of HashSet removes the specified element from the set. Syntax Parameters e is the element to Read more…
The size() method of HashSet returns the number of elements available in the HashSet. Syntax Parameters It does not take Read more…
The contains(Element e) method of HashSet checks if the HashSet contains the specified element or not. It returns true if Read more…