Java Program to Print Characters of String to New Line Without Using Loop
In this post, we will look at how to print each character of a string in a new line without using loops in Java.
We will make use of recursion to solve this problem.
- Create a method print
- Base condition is (str.length() == index), this is the condition when recursion breaks
- Code uses the ‘index’ variable for indicating the position of each character
Let’s have a look at the program.
// Java program to demonstrate // how to print characters // of String on a new line // without loop public class PrintStringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Call method with // index as 0 print("DummyString", 0); } // recursively prints // each character of str // on a new line public static void print(String str, int index) { if (str.length() == index) { return; } System.out.println(str.charAt(index)); print(str, ++index); } }
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