How Generics Work in Java?

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Let’s examine how generics work in Java. Also, we will look at how generics is a compile-time feature.

To demonstrate this concept, we are going to mix generic and non-generic types. But in the real world never mix these two types.

Let’s try to mix the generic and non-generic types to understand the concept better.

Mixing Generic and Non-Generic Types

This demonstration is to understand how generics is a compile-time feature.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

// This program shows
// how generics work internally
public class GenericsInternalWorking {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                // Create an instance
                // of ArrayList
                List names = new ArrayList<>();
                // Add names to it
                // Print the names
                System.out.println("List elements are : " + names);
                // Pass names to the method that adds int
                // Here we are mixing generic and
                // non generic types
                // i.e. passing List to just List
                addIntToNames(names, 500);
                // Print the names
                // after adding 500
                System.out.println("List elements are : " + names);

        // This method accepts raw generic type
        // So we can add anything to this list
        private static void addIntToNames(List names, int i) {


List elements are : [James, Adam, Chris]
List elements are : [James, Adam, Chris, 500]


  • Create an instance of ArrayList of String
  • Now, we can only add String to it
  • Add names James, Adam, and Chris. Till this point, the compiler makes sure that only String can be added to the list
  • Pass List to the method addIntToNames() that accepts List without generics
  • Now, you can add an int to the list. So add an int i.e. 500 to the list
  • Value 500 gets added to the list as the list is of raw type
  • This demonstrated that mixing generic and non-generic types can be problematic
  • Also, we successfully added 500 to the list. This shows that the underlying list can hold any type and generics is only a compile-time feature


  1. Generic is only a compile-time feature
  2. Compile makes sure that the correct type must be added to the collection
  3. But if we mix the generic and non-generic types in the code then any value can be added to the collection using the non-generic list


Categories: Java